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Longevity.International Launch Event

(June 23, 2021)

Join us on June 23rd, 2021, 5pm - 8pm BST for the official launch event of Longevity.International, a first-of-its-kind, open-access non-profit decentralized Longevity Industry Knowledge and Collaboration platform that has been established and supported by an international network of institutional co-founding partners including the Biogerontology Research Foundation (UK), Kitalys Institute (USA), Cambridge University Longevity Society (UK), Oxford Society for Ageing and Longevity (UK), The Millennium Project (Washington, D.C., USA), Gerontology Research Group (USA), Aging Intervention Foundation (USA), Aging Metrics (USA), Hype50+ (Brazil), Aging Analytics Agency (UK), Ibero-American Futurists Network (Spain and Portugal), Canadian Longevity Association (Canada), World Future Society Venezuela, World Future Society Spain, World Future Society Mexico, London Longevity Society (UK), Longevity Swiss Association (Switzerland), Gerontology Section of the Moscow Society of Naturalists (Russia), International Longevity Alliance (Global) and Vetek Association (Israel).

Bringing together a variety of Longevity Industry participants and stakeholders, Longevity.International aims to promote a greater degree of synergy, efficient cooperation, and discussion within the industry, encouraging collaboration between companies, investors, non-profits, academic labs and R&D hubs, governmental bodies and policy makers, offering a variety of free-to-use analytics, networking and collaboration tools and resources to platform users.  

During the event, Longevity.International Founder and Project Coordinator Ian Inkster will provide an overview of the platform’s mission and major values, and illustrate the platform’s various components, use-cases and core functionalities. In addition, we will be joined by a number of representatives of the platform’s various Institutional Co-Founding Partners, including: Dr. Milan Mušo, President at Cambridge University Longevity Society, Dr. Alexander Mörseburg, Treasurer at Cambridge University Longevity Society, Robert D.Young, Director at Gerontology Research Group, Johnny Adams, CEO at Aging Intervention Foundation, Layla Vallias, Co-Founder of Hype50+, Adrienne Berg, Director at Kitalys, Thomas Seoh, President and CEO at The Kitalys Institute, Dr. Alexander Fleming, Executive Chairman at The Kitalys Institute, Chris Linnell, President at Canadian Longevity Association, Josef Huntington, Co-President at Oxford Society for Ageing and Longevity and Jose Cordeiro, Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science -  to introduce the incredible work of these key institutional co-founders and their involvement with the project.

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Ian Inkster

Project Coordinator, Longevity.International

Ian Inkster has worked across multiple biotech companies since 2009 with an emphasis on giving definition to the rejuvenation biotechnology industry.

Ian is working as Chief-Of-Policy at Biogerontology Research Foundation. He had a hand in the SENS Research Foundation since its inception, and his previous role was as a public relations officer for Deep Knowledge Ventures.


Franco Cortese

Director, Aging Analytics Agency

Franco Cortese is Director of Aging Analytics Agency, and has been a member of the company’s executive management team since its inception.

He is one of the co-creators of the Longevity Industry Framework behind many of the company’s Longevity Industry analytics, benchmarking and forecasting.

He is also one of five co-authors behind the proposal that led to the World Health Organization's addition of a new extension code for aging-related diseases (XT9T) during ICD-11, and the author of over a dozen scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals.

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Dr. Milan Mušo

President, Cambridge University Longevity Society

Milan is a Postdoctoral Research Associate of human metabolic diseases and ageing, at the Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge. After completing a BSc degree in Molecular Biology at the University of Manchester, Milan moved to Oxford for a DPhil degree to study how common genetic variants influence fat distribution and risk of metabolic diseases. 


Milan has recently authored a review of the current literature surrounding the role that RNA plays in the ageing process, appropriately titled ‘RNA and ageing”.


Dr. Alexander Mörseburg 

Treasurer, Cambridge University Longevity Society

Alexander is a computational biologist with a background in population genomics and evolutionary biology. He holds a PhD in Biological Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. His key competencies are the analysis of large-scale genomics data and the application of advanced statistical techniques such as multilevel modelling and machine learning to biological data.


Alexander’s research interests lie in using computational methods to improve our understanding and treatments of metabolic and age-related diseases in close collaboration with experimental and clinical researchers. He is particularly enthusiastic about investigating the geroscience hypothesis in humans, which posits that therapeutically addressing ageing physiology directly will prevent the onset or mitigate the severity of many chronic diseases.

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Robert D.Young

Director, GRG Supercentenarian Research And Database Division

Robert D.Young is GWR’s lead consultant for gerontology – the study of various aspects of ageing. He has maintained lists of the world’s oldest people for the Gerontology Research Group (GRG) since 1999, and has worked with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and the International Database on Longevity.

Robert became Director of the Supercentenarian Research Database Division for the GRG in 2015. He is also the author of African-American Longevity Advantage: Myth or Reality?

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Ilia Stambler

Founder, International Longevity Alliance

Ilia Stambler, PhD, is Chief Science Officer of “Vetek” (Seniority) – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel). He received his PhD at the Department of Science, Technology and Society, Bar Ilan University, Israel. His research has focused on the historical and social implications of aging and life extension research. He is also involved in mathematical modeling of aging and aging-related diseases. He is the author of the books A History of Life-extensionism in the Twentieth Century and Longevity Promotion: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.


He is actively involved in advocacy for aging and longevity research, serving as the chairman of the Israeli Longevity Alliance, executive committee member of the International Society on Aging and Disease and International Longevity Alliance, fellow and policy director at the Global Healthspan Policy Institute.

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Johnny Adams

CEO, Aging Intervention Foundation

John M. “Johnny” Adams, MBA has a strong commitment to slow and reverse age related decline. He has been active since the 1970s, building skills and accomplishments. Johnny has a good understanding of the science of aging, and possesses many skills and problem solving abilities to support and extend the work of scientists so they can focus on science and create solutions.


IHe is CEO and Executive Director of the Bourhenne Medical Research Foundation (Aging Intervention Foundation) in Newport Beach, California. They are involved in multiple projects to pursue their goal with a renowned Scientific Advisory Board.

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Layla Vallias

Founder, Hype50+

Forbes Under 30, Layla Vallias is a cofounder at Hype50+, a marketing consultancy agency specialized in the senior consumer and former Director of Aging2.0 São Paulo, global organization that helps entrepreneurs that are solving aging challenges around the globe.


Marketing expert, Layla has a Digital Marketing Certificate from NYU and has worked at the Product Development team at Endeavor Brasil. In 2021, was also chosen to be a part of Fundação Lemann's Leader Network.

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Adriane Berg

Director, The Kitalys Institute

Adriane Berg is an influencer for successful aging, healthy longevity and lifelong contribution.


She is a prolific writer, international keynote speaker and founder of Generation Bold Consulting to reach the boomer, mature and caregiver markets. She hosts Generation Bold Radio, a weekly award-winning podcast on successful aging and longevity.


Ms. Berg is the Executive Director of the Kitalys Institute a co-organizer of Targeting Metabesity2021, October 11-14th, an annual conference and initiative to increase healthy longevity and delay or prevent age-related diseases.



Thomas Seoh

President and CEO, The Kitalys Institute

Thomas Seoh is an entrepreneur and executive who has held senior leadership positions in public and private, pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies for over 25 years. After practicing corporate law in New York and London and serving as General Counsel for the North American holding company for Australian billionaire Kerry Packer, he held legal management positions in the ICN Pharmaceuticals group of companies in Costa Mesa, which developed the antiviral, VIRAZOLE®. He next joined Guilford Pharmaceuticals, which commercialized GLIADEL® wafer for glioblastoma multiforme and developed the propofol pro-drug LUSEDRA®, as SVP Corporate and Commercial Development.

He was then CEO of venture-backed Faust Pharmaceuticals in Strasbourg, France, developing drug candidates for Parkinson’s disease and Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. He joined Kinexum as CEO in 2017. Thomas holds an AB in Philosophy and History and a JD from Harvard University.



Dr. Alexander Fleming 

Executive Chairman, The Kitalys Institute

Dr. Alexander Fleming is Founder and Executive Chairman of Kinexum. He is also President and Chief Executive Officer of Tolerion, a biotechnology company developing “disease-modifying” treatments for type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Fleming coined the term “Metabesity,” which refers to the constellation of cancer, heart and neurologic diseases, diabetes, and the aging process itself, all of which share common metabolic root causes and potential preventive therapies. He organized the first Congress on Metabesity in London in October 2017, followed by the second Congress in Washington, D.C., in 2019, and now the third Congress in 2020.


Chris Linnell

President, Canadian Longevity Association

A longevity advocate since 2017, Chris started writing a monthly Longevity Review newsletter in 2018. In 2019 he began volunteering for and created a Facebook group, the Toronto Longevity Association, which has now become the Canadian Longevity Association.


His priority for this year is to register and federally incorporate the Canadian Longevity Association as a non-profit. Recently, an initial website has been launched

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Jose Cordeiro

Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science

José Luis Cordeiro, PhD, was born in Latin America, from European parents, was educated in Europe and North America, and has worked extensively in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. He has studied, visited and worked in over 130 countries in 5 continents. Mr. Cordeiro studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA, where he received his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.).

His thesis consisted of a dynamic modeling for NASA’s “Freedom” Space Station (the “International” Space Station of today). He started his doctoral degree at MIT, which he continued later in Tokyo, Japan, and finally received his PhD at Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) in Caracas, Venezuela.


Josef Huntington

Co-President, Oxford Society for Ageing and Longevity


Josef Huntington is cCo-President of The Oxford Society of Ageing and Longevity, a network of students, academics, and industry partners working to promote ageing research and highlight recent advancements. 


Since its inception, the Society has invited scientists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to give talks on their research, work and business experience, aiming to link academics with industry and create a UK geroscience network, in collaboration with Oxford University Scientific Society, Oxford University Pharmacology Society and the Oxford Venture Capital Network.


Dmitry Kaminskiy

General Partner at Deep Knowledge Group

Dmitry Kaminskiy is an innovative entrepreneur and investor active in the fields of Longevity, Precision Medicine, and Artificial Intelligence. He is co-founder and managing partner at Deep Knowledge Ventures, a leading investment fund focused on DeepTech, renowned for its use of sophisticated analytical systems for investment target identification and due-diligence. 


He is a frequent speaker on AI and Longevity, including events organized in London by The Economist “Aging Societies and The Business of Longevity”, Financial Times “Smart Machines vs Smart People”, Financial Times “Global Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Conference”, the "Precision Medicine World Conference" in Silicon Valley as well as others at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.


5:00 - 5:05: Ian Inkster (Project Coordinator, Longevity.International), Franco Cortese (Director, Aging Analytics Agency)
Opening Remarks

5:05 - 5:15: Ian Inkster (Project Coordinator, Longevity.International)
Longevity.International - A Decentralized Industry Knowledge and Collaboration Platform to Support Industry Harmonization

5:15 - 5:25: Franco Cortese (Director, Aging Analytics Agency)
Biomarkers Of Human Longevity as the Critical Catalyst for Longevity Industrialisation, Governance and Practical Applications

5:25 - 5:35: Dr. Milan Mušo (President, Cambridge University Longevity Society), Dr. Alexander Mörseburg (Treasurer, Cambridge University Longevity Society)

Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: Cambridge University Longevity Society - Agenda for 2021 - 2022

5:35 - 5:50: Robert D.Young (Director, GRG Supercentenarian Research And Database Division)
Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: Gerontology Research Group: Supercentenarians Landscape Overview

5:50 - 6:05: Ilia Stambler (Founder, International Longevity Alliance)
Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: International Longevity Alliance - Agenda for 2021-2022

6:05 - 6:20: Johnny Adams (CEO, Aging Intervention Foundation)

Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: Aging Intervention Foundation and Aging Metrics

6:20 - 6:35: Layla Vallias (Co-Founder, Hype50+)

Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: Hype 50+ - Growing the Brasilian Longevity Industry Ecosystem

6:35 - 6:50: Adriane Berg (Director, The Kitalys Institute), Thomas Seoh (President and CEO, The Kitalys Institute)

Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: Kitalys Institute: Plans for 2022

6:50 - 7:05: Dr. Alexander Fleming (Executive Chairman, The Kitalys Institute)

12 Key Challenges in Translating Longevity Science into Public Health Dividends

7:05 - 7:20: Jose Cordeiro (Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science)

Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: World Future Society - Growing the LATAM Longevity Ecosystem

7:20 - 7:30: Chris Linnell (President, Canadian Longevity Association)
Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: Canadian Longevity Association - Agenda for 2021-2022

7:30 - 7:40: Josef Huntington (Co-President, Oxford Society for Ageing and Longevity)
Institutional Co-Founder Spotlight: Oxford Society for Ageing and Longevity - Agenda for 2021-2022

7:40 - 7:55: Dmitry Kaminskiy (General Partner, Deep Knowledge Group)

Modern Technological Approaches to Accelerate and Democratize Collaboration in the Global Longevity Ecosystem

7:55 - 8:25: Panel Discussion

8:25 - 8:30: Ian Inkster (Project Coordinator, Longevity.International), Franco Cortese (Director, Aging Analytics Agency)

Closing Remarks

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