Longevity.International Launch Event
Exclusive online event
The official launch event of Longevity.International held on June 23rd, 2021, 5 pm - 8 pm BST. During the event, Longevity.International Founder and Project Coordinator Ian Inkster provided an overview of the platform’s mission and major values and illustrated the platform’s various components, use-cases, and core functionalities. In addition, we were joined by several representatives of the platform’s various Institutional Co-Founding Partners, including Dr. Milan Mušo, President at Cambridge University Longevity Society; Dr. Alexander Mörseburg, Treasurer at Cambridge University Longevity Society, Robert D.Young, Director at Gerontology Research Group, Johnny Adams, CEO at Aging Intervention Foundation, Layla Vallias, Co-Founder of Hype50+, Adrienne Berg, Director at Kitalys, Thomas Seoh, President and CEO at The Kitalys Institute, Dr. Alexander Fleming, Executive Chairman at The Kitalys Institute, Chris Linnell, President at Canadian Longevity Association, Josef Huntington, Co-President at Oxford Society for Ageing and Longevity and Jose Cordeiro, Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science - who introduced the incredible work of these key institutional co-founders and their involvement with the project.